margotzinhaMargot Monteiro

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Margot cicero  WP

Cícero Dias – 1907-2003
Grande artista modernista brasileiro.
Pernambucano, radicado em Paris,
desde a década de 1940

Margot querida,

O que eu poderia dizer a respeito do que vi
na sua pintura hoje ?
Apenas responderia eu, uma excelente continuação.
No tratamento das cores.
Cores que são um privilégio de pernambuco.
Basta recorrer a Nabuco, o que nos apontou
Franz Post ou pintores da Missão Nassau, Albert Eckhout…
A cor e a luz, nos conduzindo a um estado mental,
psicológico, vivo…
tudo lembrando as antigas Escolas de Veneza.
Boa continuação Margot. Bravo !
Saudade de você.

Beijos e abraço de seu  velho amigo,

Cícero Dias,
Paris, Julho de 1996

Dear Margot,

What can I say regarding what I saw in your painting today?
I may only respond, an excellent continuation.
The treatment of colors. Colors that are a privilege of
Pernambuco Which remind us of Nabuco who pointed out
Franz Post or the Nassau Mission painters, Albert Eckhout.
The color and the light conduct us to a state of mind,
psychological, alive. All recalling the ancient schools
of Venice Good continuation,
Margot, Bravo.
Missing you, hugs and kisses from your old friend,

Cícero Dias
Paris, July 1996


Francisco Laranjo

The clarity with which Margot Monteiro evokes the dreamlike sense of her painting is present in the way she builds her area of drawing, as writing develops in warm values or in dominating blue, such as in “Mar Nocturno” or “Mar Crepúsculo”, where structures of contained gestures express the theme by the construction of a texture that geometry underlines in three rectangles, that stretch the horizontality of the visual field to the memory recollections of the trip of that look.

The sea, the thematic universe of warm colours that Margot Monteiro brings us from that land of Pernambuco, everything that he is for us and what he represents to us, is there: The wave, the breeze, the life. The warm feeling of that place that, at the sound of the waves breaking, draws the key to the discovery of a territory larger and larger, truer and truer: that of our capacity to dream.

Why not look at mankind that way?

Francisco Laranjo – The Coast: Metaphor and Desire

Porto, Portugal, April, 1999

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